Friday, March 8, 2013

The Great Outlet

By Ken Parks, March 8, 2013

All of us have experienced some sort of tragedy in our lives, and then afterwards we try to find comfort to quench our sorrow, an outlet, you might say.

Over the years I have experienced disappointments and sorrow, only to find solace in photography.  Other than the One who can provide true inner peace and comfort by means of His Spirit, I use photography as an outlet to sooth the soul, and show more than just a snap-shot.  It is to be creative, something by which others can view my inner being.

The most recent months have been interesting.  Perhaps, the best choice of words would be challenging, integrity or the lack thereof, and deception, all wrapped up neatly in someone else's quagmire.  It is imperative to take a stand, to scupper the efforts of the dark side of the force and finally bring order to the galaxy in my life.

Again, I return to the art of photography so as to eradicate the dilemma and bring creative images to the eyes of respectful and wanting souls. 

I am hoping against all odds.  I am hoping that the campaign of the dark side will be toppled. I am hoping the actions of the dark side will have a boomerang effect. 

I believe in a divine karma. 

After all is said and done, there is photography, my great outlet.  It is the remedy and the restoration.  My mind, soul and heart are at ease.

When photographing the Neddick Lighthouse, there was a moment I stopped and listened to the seagulls and the waves.  It is here that the sailors and fisherman were relieved and found safety in its beacon, drawing them away from the dark side of the shoreline rocks.  The light provided a means to escape an overwhelming fate into the hands of eternal darkness.

Photography is defined as the process of recording images on a sensitized material by means of light.

The Great Teacher once said to his followers, "You are the light of the world..." and that is The Great Outlet.

1 comment:

  1. The Great Outlet was posted on my FB account including the following:

    There are times we must face adversity. And we must then have the courage to take on the challenge and defend our faith, our family, and ourselves to the bitter end.
