Thursday, March 7, 2013

Speaking of Athletes

By Ken Parks, March 7, 2013

First and foremost, I love photography.  And, the compliments I have received over the years has been the driving force to lead me further into my quest to create the finest art of photography imaginable.

With that said, I have also enjoyed several different sports, including baseball, basketball, and tennis.  Sometimes the two enjoyments intertwine.  Because of my advancing years, organized sports and individual sports has been limited to less activity.  I still am able to ride my Raleigh 15-speed bike (low impact cardiovascular exercise) and do a bit of hiking.  Therefore, one of my photography interests is sports photography.

In the most recent past, I have photographed several baseball games from the point-of-view as a fan.  The Atlanta Braves, the Rome Braves, and the Gwinnett Braves have been photographed on occasion.  I made a trip to Fenway Park and used the opportunity as a photo gig.

But when I look back to the days of High School, I regret that I did not take my studies seriously.  I was average grade at best in taking college prep courses.  I should have studied Latin and the law so as to go to law school, and become a specialist at contracts.  I simply did not have a vision of what I could have been: a free-agent lawyer or sports-attorney for baseball players.  The combination of sports-agent, baseball, and photography could have been my cause and enjoyment.

The reason I bring this up, about being a lawyer, is that several people have told me that I would have made a fine lawyer. And that came from the opposing side after a major hearing in which I represented myself, Pro Se, in a child custody issue.  There have been several court appearances whereby I have gone Pro Se and won.

I'm far from the abilities of a Gerry Spence or a Robert Shapiro.  But I have taken the time and effort to study family law in Florida and Georgia in so much that I have won most of my Pro Se cases.  I represented myself in another person's bankruptcy case where I was supposed to be a creditor in the matter of child support arrearage.  The U.S. Bankruptcy judge awarded me as a creditor.  And on the issue of "Fraudulent  Bankruptcy" the same Judge ordered that the X-wife refile her financial affidavit.  After I pointed out the discrepancies under my testimony, cross-examination, and evidence, the Judge was not pleased with her false financial statements.

When it comes to speeding tickets, I have done my homework and know the weaknesses in the system, the same that a lawyer implements in such hearings.  So far, my W-L record is 3-0.  There's that sports-guy in me, counting wins and loses.

I've been told that I make a good litigator. 

Even when there is opposition to some of the things I have been alleged, I have resolved to take a stand.  There's nothing worse that having to face a habitual liar in court. 

Putting past my regrets, I'm a professional photographer, a darn-good professional wedding photographer at that.  At least, that's what several couples and viewers have stated.  That reminds me: I have another wedding coming up soon.  It's always a pleasure to photograph a couple who is looking to start their lives in a positive direction.  One of my mentors told me years ago,  "The bride is the quarterback... always follow the quarterback."


  1. After I plead my case in the above ascribed bankruptcy, a lawyer leaned over the low swing door and congradulated me by shaking my hand. And the audience cheered as I left the courtroom.

  2. One f my articles about speeding tickets can be found here:

  3. Many of my photographs, such as weddings, can be found on my SmugMug account:
